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staircase to heaven

staircase to heaven. Stairs To Heaven
  • Stairs To Heaven

  • mkrishnan
    Nov 27, 09:48 AM
    I bet those four people who bought a Zune are going to be pissed! :eek:

    Yes, like *this* will push them over the edge. They were doing fine with their clunky rubber-buggy brown players with four-way jog wheels, no PFS support, and installation failures, but when the Beatles aren't available, god will they suffer! :D

    I could care less about the Beatles, but if this means the whole "Apple" issue is amicably and finally resolved, then I think it's outstanding. :)

    staircase to heaven. STAIRCASE TO HEAVEN (click

  • bikertwin
    Sep 7, 12:28 PM
    Surely Apple can't combine everything into something like http://www.macnn.com/blogs/?p=98.

    Or can they?

    I normally don't pay attention to Apple patent applications, but this one's a doozie!

    Everything from 100% full screen to virtual keys, to selecting different modalities depending on orientation(!), to sensitivity to force of touch, to squeezing, to miniDVD drive, to ....

    WOW! :eek:

    Or maybe it's really the iTablet? Larger form factor than an iPod? They talk about various operating systems. Maybe it'll be OS X?

    staircase to heaven. stairs on heaven in shiny
  • stairs on heaven in shiny

  • DrewG5
    Nov 2, 04:32 PM
    Yeah cuz I just want to see all the advertisements on every page on my iPhone... Flash is a joke at best, every laptop mac or not that I have had it on the simplest flash would get the fans running for lift off...

    staircase to heaven. Staircase to Heaven (Bronze)
  • Staircase to Heaven (Bronze)

  • micahR
    Oct 20, 07:11 AM
    Firefight is great fun, especially Score Attack. I play the crap out of that. There was another playlist update today, tweaking Firefight, along with some other things. They have bumped regular Firefight up from 1 round to a full set, so that is nice. Also, Bungie mentioned in an update recently that they were going to probably down the road add in a "Firefight Classic" mode to Matchmaking. That would be like it was in ODST, where your team has a limited number of lives for the team. They also said they will probably be adding a Legendary difficulty option as well, so that will bump up the challenge quite a lot.

    I played the updated firefight last night and it was 10 times better with the new tweaks. I love the fact that if you don't kill all of the covies with the allotted time, the game is over. I just need sniperfight and rocketfight to be moved into their own category.
    If they add in a limited number of lives, then I will definitely have to change my play style.

    staircase to heaven. Staircase to Heaven ring
  • Staircase to Heaven ring

  • TigerWoodsIV
    Mar 22, 12:52 AM
    They definitely just need to have an update to 220 GBs that was previously discussed here. Idk what I'd do. The biggest iPod Touch is way too small and way more money.

    staircase to heaven. Staircase to Heaven by
  • Staircase to Heaven by

  • Inkling
    Apr 12, 01:08 PM
    Strange as it sounds, this move manages to be both evil and stupid.

    staircase to heaven. staircase to heaven
  • staircase to heaven

  • dontmatter
    Jul 24, 12:33 AM
    No. Please god no. I don't know how many of you have done e-books but e-books on anything smaller then a 4" screen sucks. HARD.

    What Apple needs to do is come out with a dedicated device. Integration seems the only way they can push into another market at this point. (Shades of MS Windows with [insert anything here.] integration.)

    What Apple needs to do is form an alliance with E-Reader / Peanut Press and having it integrate with iTMS. Then come out with an e book reader that uses digital ink. This is the tech that can paint a screen then cut power to the screen yet still have the image remain. In cases such as this we are talking WEEKS of battery life. Use digital ink + Apple's standard design flare + iTMS and I can guarantee people will eat it up.

    Does anyone know how big this would be? It would be huge. No beyond huge. Literature is as universally accepted as music. It's used everywhere from text books in schools, to training manuals, to maintenance manuals, to entertainment in the home, to entertainment while you are sitting waiting for the dentist. Imagine subscribing to a magazine and having it downloaded off of iTMS like a podcast.

    In short I would sell my first, second, third born sons, and cut off a pinky toe for Apple to release an e-book reader. This is Sony's attempt:


    No one in the market has done the design right yet. There is this huge market waiting for someone to step up to the plate and get it done right, easy, and elegant. Sound familiar?

    But above all please PLEASE PLEASE don�t integrate it into the iPod. It would be doing major disservice to the emerging industry.

    On second thought, silicon addict, you just might be right. big enough to read on just might be too big for the ipod. hrm.

    staircase to heaven. Stair to heaven by
  • Stair to heaven by

  • grumps
    Nov 8, 04:06 AM
    How long has the shipping wait been 3-5 days on the Black MacBooks on the Australian store? Every time I have looked they've all been "within 24hrs"?

    Only a few days I think. I've been watching it for a while.

    The same guy I was talking too (at NextByte) told me that they had no Macbook deliveries for over a week, which they had never seen.

    He also told me he'd heard that there will be a 15 inch MacBook Pro!!!

    He's been working there for a while. Actually spent time talking me out of buying a MacBook the other day?!

    staircase to heaven. Spiral Stairs
  • Spiral Stairs

  • Falleron
    Oct 11, 02:36 PM
    I think most of the blame lies with Motorola. Think of it this way, they have not even given Apple a processor that is fully DDRAM compatible (let alone enought speed bumps). Its a hash up system at the moment. I think when we get a full DDRAM G4 + the speed bump we need in Janaury the systems will get the performance needed.

    staircase to heaven. Staircase to heaven by Arlen
  • Staircase to heaven by Arlen

  • citizenzen
    Mar 11, 05:55 PM
    The President's opinion on the matter...

    I personally don't give a flying "eff" what our current co-opted president thinks about this subject. He's proven quite capable of toe-ing the same company line which has brought us here in the first place.

    Would you like to hear what former president Eisenhower had to say on the issue?

    staircase to heaven. Staircase to Heaven
  • Staircase to Heaven

  • swbassman88
    Mar 15, 10:15 AM
    it really kinda sucks, I've been a mac fanboy for a long time. And finally the day has come when I can move on from the iBook G4 that I can barely use and this piece of crap http://www.amazon.com/Dell-Gx270-Intel-Desktop-installed/dp/B001O018Y2 now the time has come to get a Mac and they are taking their sweet time with the new stuff. Sure, they sued HTC, sure, they have the pointless iPad that doesn't support a bunch of stuff on the web, but they're leave the Mac out to dry. It makes me sad :(

    staircase to heaven. staircase to heaven.
  • staircase to heaven.

  • stroked
    Apr 26, 11:38 AM
    My experience supports food stamps being wasted as well. While I have never seen or heard of people selling them, I did work in a grocery store as a cashier for a while and consistently saw people use food stamps to purchase food items which were overpriced, low value, not on sale, or otherwise terrible "value for money" purchases. Fancy fruit drinks or other things which are a complete waste of money when you have a limited budget for food were incredibly common.

    Not to mention how often people would pay for some ridiculously overpriced luxury food items with food stamps and then pay cash for things like cigaretts or the rag magazines or other things which are equally unnecessary, and completely, 100% luxury items and not in the slightest bit a need.

    Considering this was the overwhelming majority of customers, I am so thankful to the woman who came and purchased a ton of items, all on sale, with coupons on food stamps. She probably got 10x or 20x the "food value" from those food stamps as compared with the overwhelming majority of people using them. But seeing that one person take advantage of food stamps in a meaningful way was absolutely amazing because it means that the entire program is not a waste.

    Now, obviously this is just my personal experience. It is possible the store I worked at had a disproportionate number of people who would squander their food stamps. I hope this is the case. But I am relatively skeptical the majority of food stamp purchasers are like the woman I described but rather like the majority I encountered.

    My neighbor, who is a manager at a Kroger (a grocery store) has told me the same thing.

    staircase to heaven. stock photo : 3d stairs,
  • stock photo : 3d stairs,

  • Minyall
    Oct 27, 12:02 PM

    I don't post here much but I'm always interested in people's opinions on different aspects of the Mac world. I looked on here to see the general consensus concerning the SMC update and after reading everyone's thoughts concerning it I was wondering if it is just a revision of the original SMC update, and that in fact the old SMC update was the cause of RSD?

    When I saw the first SMC update available I avoided it because some people found that if they didn't have fan problems before they suddenly did after the fix. I'm wondering, has anyone who didn't install the first SMC update had RSD?

    I didn't install it and I haven't had these problems, so I'm thinking that maybe the RSD was in fact a firmware problem rather than a hardware one and now they've released this new firmware to rectify their fault.

    Just a thought..

    staircase to heaven. Mother and realize their
  • Mother and realize their

  • da meat tree
    Oct 11, 07:14 PM
    I like this a lot. Doesn't that light make a glare?

    no not at all. at the angle i sit its perfectly fine.

    staircase to heaven. Grass Staircase To Heaven.
  • Grass Staircase To Heaven.

  • VirtualRain
    Feb 28, 10:10 PM
    ^^^ Awesome for 6400 ISO! Looking forward to more shots from Sat. if you have them. :)

    staircase to heaven. A staircase to heaven?
  • A staircase to heaven?

  • Joshwawilson
    May 5, 09:49 PM
    I swore to myself When I bought iPad 2 that I'd wait for iPad 4 to upgrade again...don't know if I'll be able to pass up a 3d iPad tho!

    staircase to heaven. STAIRCASE TO HEAVEN (click

  • danielveeee
    Apr 17, 01:14 PM
    To sum up my day at best buy.


    They scam. They lie about iPads. Lied about exchange policy.
    And manager is ignorant, arrogant, and just plain stubborn.

    Never going back

    staircase to heaven. staircase to heaven.
  • staircase to heaven.

  • LightSpeed1
    May 5, 08:09 AM
    I think that is sort of the point here... :eek:That would suck.

    staircase to heaven. The Staircase to Heaven as
  • The Staircase to Heaven as

  • Consultant
    Mar 29, 08:58 AM
    I only use current iOS voice control for dialing.

    Would love better voice technology in iOS 5. Make it so!

    Jan 11, 04:28 PM
    Anyone know what's happening/what happened with the Wireless spectrum auction?

    Good angle. I'm not sure Google has this nailed down yet. I expect a Google - Apple tie up when they do.

    Mar 21, 01:32 PM
    My wife said no too and this even includes my wish for one for my upcoming bday to get one.

    JRM PowerPod
    Sep 6, 08:18 AM
    Dude that thing is like dude, like dude dude

    Apr 8, 10:42 PM
    I hear what you are saying, but again I would disagree. Though I'm not sure you intend to do so, the argument you have presented comes across as if all believers in the Bible ascribe to a theology of works. Though some denominations might function in this manner, it is not consistent with the primary message of the Bible which is that we are saved by grace through faith based on the sacrifice of Christ.
    Which takes us into rougher territory. If works are relatively insignificant in the scheme of salvation, your absolute moral code starts to crumble and fall in on itself. For, why should a believer bother to follow it if the saviour is always near at hand to forgive and redeem?

    Why should a Ted Bundy not go out and brutalize one more victim when he can just prostrate himself before the altar and come away clean and ready to face god? Why should Lloyd Blankfein not cook up another scheme that will immorally (but legally) cheat a few more million people of their hard earned savings if it is not proscribed by his faith (not sure on the specifics of jewish morality).

    In light of the examples of history (perhaps including those in the bible itself), how can you say that religion has made anyone a better person than they would have been? To me, it looks like religion has made the world a worse place than it might have been without it.
    The concept of moral neutrality or clean slate at birth, is a long debated issue and you are correct in saying that the Bible teaches the doctrine of original sin. Based on scripture I personally believe that while man is definitely capable of "good" due to the fact that he has been created in the image of God, that image has been marred by sin. This leaves man in a "broken" condition and at the core we are selfish by nature.
    Every time I hear about how we are naturally selfish and corrupt, I hear the utterer trying to apologize for their own faults by expanding them upon all others. As a counselor, you should be familiar with the mechanism called "projection". I see right-wingers using it constantly (not that I am specifically calling you a right-winger).
    Please hear what I'm saying, because as you correctly point out this can be a very confusing process, especially in a post modern world that espouses situational ethics and moral relativity. I believe in absolute truth, truth that exists outside of my perspective and is applicable regardless of how I "feel" about it.
    Yet, again, the absolutes get bent. When believers run up against a moral wall that divides them from their goals, they seek the counsel of a cleric. The cleric typically sympathizes with the believer's plight and very often finds a way to interpret the scripture to turn the question to the believer's favor. So you have your absolutes, but they are also flexible. What good then are they, that they can be molded to suit your needs? How is this better than situational ethics (logic, reason and compromise), other than to employ scholars in the service of the almighty?
    An accurate understanding of original sin does not mean that man is completely "evil" in the sense that we are incapable of doing works that would be considered "good" or altruistic. The human spirit is capable of many good things, but without an accurate understanding of who God is and our relationship to him these good works become nothing but acts of vanity and self glorification that serve only to advance pride and promote self-reliance.
    No, sorry, you cannot have that one. "Altruistic" does not coincide with "vanity and self glorification". In my filthy heathen state of unsaved gracelessness, I still do things for which my only reward is a smile. And even when I do have an ulterior motive ("you can return the favor at your leisure, to me or to someone else"), how does that detract from my having done well and good by someone else?
    Like many of the things we have discussed in this thread I fully understand that this will hinge upon that impasse of faith that many can't get over.
    I have had more than a third of a century (from teenage years) to develop my philosophy and unbeliefs, and you are obviously quite steadfast in yours, so yes, there can be little doubt of the mexican stand-off. Does it trouble you? As hoary and mulish as I may be, I still find merit in these discussions, because they draw things out into the light that I had not bothered to look at. You do teach me things, though they are almost certainly not the things you intend. I hope you in some way also benefit, it would be a shame to think this only leads you to despair.

    Nov 3, 02:51 PM
    I'm suprised its taken Adobe this long to complain... good shout!