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  • Multimedia
    Nov 7, 01:27 AM
    I Think C2D MacBook Tomorrow But Election May Delay A Day.

    Nothing different except C2D at same speeds, 3GB option, 160GB and 200GB HD Offerings.

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  • IJ Reilly
    Sep 1, 05:46 PM
    The flip side of my closing comment: if you don't wish to respond to what I wrote, then please do not respond.

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  • afields
    Jan 11, 04:22 PM
    Look! Up in the sky!

    Is it a bird?

    It's a plane!

    No! It's an partially eaten flying apple!

    It's landing!

    [time passes]

    Something's coming out of it!

    [gasps and screams of anticipation]


    OMG! He must be using the new iFly! What's that, Superman? It flies better than you?

    [Superman smiles and winks, and flies off, presumably to fight crime, but actually to go find Lois]

    Introducing the new Apple iFly. Better than Superman.

    Wow! I want to fly it over the Atlantic ocean!

    Look everyone! An Apple PR rep just stepped out of the iFly! What's that Apple PR rep? It can't fly above water yet? It's a bug that's going to be fixed in a software update?

    And you can fill it's 32GB of storage by syncing with iTunes on your Mac or PC? Wow!

    Everyone swarm the iFly!

    [riot ensues]

    this brought the lols

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  • mashinhead
    Aug 3, 08:10 PM
    Nobody was really expecting this (http://forums.macrumors.com/showthread.php?t=500), remember?

    it's really funny to read those posts now. They should be infamous. I wouldn't want to be the one who posted that.

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  • MattyMac
    Sep 4, 09:55 AM
    Alll man....what a great Birthday Present for me!!!!

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    Mar 12, 07:24 AM
    would this match in with those best buy photos a while back showing a mystery apple product??? I'm not sure when an update will happen but at the moment I'm sure the iPad is whats getting all of Apples concentration. I hope they release the new ones soon would really like a MBP with a core i5.

    versos de amor cortos. versos de amor cortos. versos de amor para pedir; versos de amor para pedir. AnthonyKinyon. Aug 3, 02:21 PM. http://www.macfixit.com/article.php?story
  • versos de amor cortos. versos de amor para pedir; versos de amor para pedir. AnthonyKinyon. Aug 3, 02:21 PM. http://www.macfixit.com/article.php?story

  • alent1234
    Apr 12, 03:13 PM
    They make cars in the US, and domestic cars are typically less expensive than foreign ones. This argument really doesn't fly.

    Stop making excuses for US companies that build their products elsewhere. We CAN manufacture things in this country; we used to do it a lot more and the products were affordable.

    My Apple IIe says "Made in the USA" on the bottom. It's sad that we never see that on computers anymore.

    we also make airplanes and other things that cost a lot. partly because shipping cars across the ocean is expensive and import duties

    it's the cheap things that can't be produced in america anymore for a price people are willing to pay

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  • AlmightyG5
    Aug 24, 01:18 PM
    What are the serials that are affected? The Apple link is down....

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  • SevenInchScrew
    Sep 28, 07:39 PM
    Am I the only one who likes the needler?
    The regular old Needler is fine, and there are plenty of them laying around, so replenishing ammo is fine. I just prefer the headshot-capable weapons myself. I LOVE the new Needle Rifle. It is better than the DMR, in my opinion. One of my buddies though, loves the regular Needler, like you do. He doesn't care how well or not it kills enemies, he just has a riot using it. Which is all that matters.

    versos de amor cortos. versos de amor cortos. versos de amor tristes; versos de amor tristes. pkson. Apr 19, 07:15 PM
  • versos de amor cortos. versos de amor tristes; versos de amor tristes. pkson. Apr 19, 07:15 PM

  • thequicksilver
    Oct 27, 10:55 AM
    I had a pretty annoying RSS on my week 30 white 1.83 MacBook. Typically it would go for 7-8 hours before shutting down, at which point I'd leave it to cool for half an hour or so before restarting the cycle. I am a student and simply cannot do without my laptop for a week to get the heatsink replaced, so I was simply living with it.

    Keenly applied the firmware update today and it was running OK, until this. First one on the MacBook. Really hope this is a one-off.

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  • innominato5090
    Oct 11, 04:31 PM
    No more PowerBook. Love the new Mac Mini, I would put in an SSD, but they're still too expensive, and I really don't need one. Its extremely quiet anyway.

    Stock Mac Mini 2.4ghz + 4gb of RAM (Crucial off Newegg)
    20" Cinema Display (I'm going to mount that powerbrick behind the desk, I hate looking at it)
    Bose Companion 2 speakers
    64gb iPad WiFi
    160gb iPod Classic


    niiiice ^^

    what about mounting the cinema display on the wall and put the mac mini under it?

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  • FloatingBones
    Apr 14, 10:33 AM
    As the chart shows, Apple's strongest market share quarter is the 3Q of each year. The interesting thing is that the 4Q has far less drop-off in market share this year.

    That indicates to me that the new MBA pulled in sales from places other than the back-to-school crowd.

    If things break well, Apple may now be above the 10% threshold in US market share every quarter going forward.

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  • txa1265
    Sep 22, 11:03 AM
    it's feeling a bit repetitive.

    I would assume that once you got through the blatant copy&paste areas used to make the original Halo SP longer you would have realized that was par for the course ;)

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  • darwen
    Nov 7, 12:19 PM
    I dont want new MacBooks! :mad:

    I already have my MacBook so that may be influencing me but there is my gripe. There is finally a separation between the MacBook and the MacBook Pro. There is an obvious reason for why the MacBook Pro costs more. Bringing them both to the same level creates the same problem Apple used to have... many (including myself) can easily justify getting MacBook instead of the MacBook Pro because the MacBook does everything you need the Pro version to do.

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  • Thunderhawks
    Apr 12, 01:50 PM
    People already piss and moan about it. If apple really wanted to have a low environmental impact they would build their products where they have Higher standards for environmental quality.

    They do. Changed their packaging to minimum needed as best as possible.
    Using material that can be recycled, pcb free cables etc.etc.

    If they give the production to FoxConn they can only get involved to a certain point. Too much demands on their partners and they won't get any production.

    The Chinese and other countries have and still are learning that at the end of the day, they need trees, clean water etc., so they do adapt.

    Because there is a lot of new technology out, they go through the environmental adaptation process faster than others in previous years.

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  • kaneda
    Aug 8, 09:22 PM
    New Chassis for MAC PRO please..

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  • green86
    Mar 29, 02:25 PM
    So what electronic has ZERO problems??
    The more features that are packed into something, the more chances of issues. Doesn't make the iPhone 4 a "POS".

    You've never owned one, so you wouldn't know.

    Your veering way off point here. I'm not going to beat the iPhone 4 tragedy anymore, it's been done.

    Of course all electronic devices have faults. Some more then others (iPhone 4). The 3GS had more features then the 3G, but didn't have the issues. Your comments are, quite frankly ridiculous. You don't have to own something to know it's crap. Yugos were crap, and most everyone agrees they were crap... Without owning one.

    I'm sorry I hurt your feelings because I don't like your phone :rolleyes: but that is what this conversation boils down to at this point. My original feelings to the OP were that if Apple waits, they are going to lose customers. If they start routinely lengthening their iPhone releases, they are heading for disaster.

    In fact, they need to start shortening the span, since this market is so competitive. This isn't an attack on your feelings, it's good business.

    versos de amor cortos. poemas de amor cortos. poemas de amor para mi novio.
  • poemas de amor cortos. poemas de amor para mi novio.

  • Apple OC
    Apr 8, 08:27 AM
    there are copious and abundant examples of self-centered, amoral, greedy bastards preaching jesus to the masses:

    Amen to that ... preaching should be banned ... even more so when they pass the collection plate around :cool:

    As for an Atheist Bible ... forget about it.

    Real non-believers are just that ... no need to waste time reading crap people are trying to sell.

    Just more annoying preachers :cool:

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  • AhmedFaisal
    Mar 10, 11:04 PM
    I do understand ... very clearly

    we do not need to cut corners on things like Helicopters by hanging onto ancient machines like the Sea King Helicopters or as they are known ..."flying coffins"


    You still have not answered the question. For what purpose does Canada need a larger military? Who is the threat?


    Mar 12, 01:51 AM
    Interesting.... and what is your prediction for International (Int) since we won't get the iPad before the end of April ? I also believed that once, but with different date for the iPad release (US vs Int) and knowing that about 50% of the sales are Int, I'm not sure about that anymore. End of April will be a shame for Apple... Friends around me already have there i7 laptop... but of course, they had to pay the ultimate price... being on Windows :eek:

    May, at the earliest; June ?

    Mar 12, 10:04 AM
    My 13" Whitebook is literally falling apart. Im buying a new 13" Pro as soon as its updated

    Nov 2, 10:00 PM
    Who cares about Flash? Most of the time it's used, it's because the web designers are too dumb or lazy to get the page right without it, because they haven't kept out with what a modern browser is capable of.

    Hey I hate Flash more than most but in this case Adobe has a clear case of doing the right thing...

    Imagine just for a moment you were in charge of Flash at Adobe.... Okay, STOP! before you erase its entire existance off the Adobe corp. servers (and back ups) lol -- take a second and check your email and what's that you find? X hundred? x thousand?? people all crying to you why Flash doesn't work on the iPhone... If I were the man in charge I'd say enough of this crap ... we have an iPhone ready (aka SUPER CRAPTASTC!) version of Flash all packed up and ready to explode err... ready to go and Apple cuts us off?!?!? well &*#&$*( them! I'm not fielding any more nasty grams from people ask ME why its not on their stupid little crappy iPhone ... Lets tell em exactly WHY it's not and be done with the entire mess.

    Now that was me being an Adobe guy... I actually have a great fondness for my iPhone and a mild hate over the controls Apple has imposed over App store approvals. I'm also a "hey what is this FLASH?! that you speak of?!?!" and why would I ever care to have it on my machine... I've got this flash blocker and cept for certian video sites I get by just fine without seeing crappy flash presentations that are pretending to be Web pages...

    Sorry flashers. Flash is not the web no matter how much you beat the drum that it is. It's an abomination not unlike Microsofts Active X. So drop the flash-pipe, spark up a doob and read some Perl Camel books and once you've got a good head on then get some cookies and move over to some Ruby on Rails books or perhaps PHP. Get to know the 'real web'. :D

    Jan 11, 02:45 PM
    You know, I hate to say this, but it has a striking resemblance to the "Vista" font. Granted, "vista" is more narrow. Scary, huh?

    This could be more of the same shrewd move they did with the Leopard menu bar, I know it's nasty but Apple are trying to get more PC users to switch and offering them something they are familiar with would help the transition

    Aug 30, 10:36 PM
    Back on topic...

    I don't know why people are going on and on about the $400 price for Windows Vista Ultimate version. That's a retail price, just like the $300 retail price for windows XP. Only an idiot would buy a retail version of windows when you can get the same full install (not an upgrade) oem version for a fraction of that price.

    A retail version of Windows XP professional SP2 is $300 at compUSA and the OEM of XP pro SP2 is $130 at my local PC parts store.

    Retail pricing isn't even worth discussing unless Microsoft decides to end oem sales of windows.